YouTube Video Widget

YouTube Video Widget

Last updated 02.19.25

This widget pulls in a single video you specify from YouTube. It retains YouTube’s interactivity and ability to play full screen. Because it is pointing to YouTube it can take advantage of the speed of their video streaming service. The dimensions of the video on the page are governed by the size of the grid, accordion or tab section it is placed in.

How to add a YouTube Video Widget

  1. Select where on the page you would like the widget to appear. 
  2. Click on the blue plus add widget icon   
  3. Select the YouTube Video widget from the widget pop up 
  4. Once the widget is added to the page, hover over the added widget until it displays the properties and trash icons. Click on the gear-shaped properties icon. 

YouTube Video Widget Properties

  1. In the YouTube Video properties pop up, add the video URL obtained from the source YouTube video page
  2. Click Apply button to update the widget with selected properties. The properties pop up will automatically close.

How to delete the YouTube Video Widget

Hover over the Video Playlist widget until it displays the properties and trash icons and click on the trash icon to delete. 

How to reposition the YouTube Video Widget

Hover over the Video Playlist widget until it displays the properties and trash icons and click on the trash icon to delete. 

YouTube Video Widget Properties

Video URLOn YouTube, click the Share icon of the desired video and copy the section of the provided URL from the beginning to before the "?" to paste here
URL shown
URL section you copy and and paste into widget
Full ScreenCheck to allow the YouTube full screen button to display in the video player. The full-screen functionality will be available without leaving the Atlas web page.
Autoplay Indicates if the video should be played automatically on page load
