
Product Catalog Application Improved

Jun 05, 2024 | Atlas Support
3 Big Improvements arrive in the Product Catalog for customization and much improved search engine optimization. Some features are automatic and some require you to take action. Read about these changes now...

Bottom Bar Widget Enhancement

May 14, 2024 | Atlas Support
The widget is now more flexible and powerful with new formatting abilities. You'll be impressed with the transformations this update provides. Recommended reading for any user. Check it out now...

Anchor Atlas Widget Enhancement

May 14, 2024 | Atlas Support
An enhancement that speeds up your page build time and reduces errors. What does this mean? Click through to see how this works...

Behind the Scenes Improvements to Graphics

Apr 10, 2024 | Atlas Support
The ATLAS Development Team has been working to improve hero graphics delivery on all devices. Read more about these innovations now. There is some action on your part! Click to read...

Alt Tags Added to Key Elements to Boost SEO

Dec 20, 2023 | Atlas Support
We’ve added a significant enhancement to our SEO strategy: the addition of Alt tags to key elements. Find out how the SEO team is working for you by checking this out...

Feature Callout Widget with New Reveal Window

Dec 20, 2023 | Atlas Support
The abilities of the Feature Callout Widget have been dramatically expanded to include the option of pop-up box that contains further information. There is a lot to learn and take advantage of. Be sure to read this!

Upcoming WinField United & CROPLAN Content

Aug 07, 2023 | Atlas Support
Explore Q3 WinField United & CROPLAN Content and other brand marketing resources.

New Widgets

Aug 07, 2023 | Atlas Support
Introducing 4 new widgets - Quote Widget, Galley Widget, Horizontal Line Widget, and Feature Large A Video Widget