ATLAS - Page (menu item) Page Type

ATLAS - Page (menu item) Page Type

Last updated 02.20.25

The ATLAS - Page (menu item) is the most frequently-used page type that allows users to build standard content on a blank page using the ATLAS widget library. This page type automatically features the header and footer. It is recommended that this page type be used for all menu items, but can also be used for non-menu items.

Getting Started

1. In the Pages Application, click the plus icon to add a new page to the content index
2. Select ATLAS - Page (menu item) from list of available page types.
3. Select the Default page template and click "Continue"

4. Complete properties fields below
5. Click Save

Name (required)Text entry field for page name
Link targetSelect from:
Blank (open in New Tab)
Facebook ImageSelect image from Media Library Application. The ideal image size for a Facebook image post is 720px, 960px, or 2048px wide, with flexibility in the corresponding height
Drop-down StyleChose from:
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
Thumbnail ImageSelect image from Media Libraries. Image appears in navigation drop down if applicable. Recommended size is 350 x 300.
Thumbnail TitleTooltip type text which appears on image hover
Thumbnail DescriptionText describing details of an image to provide more complete information
Thumbnail Alt TextThis attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user for some reason cannot view it (because of slow connection, an error, or if the user uses a screen reader). Optional but recommended.
Navigation TextSummary text that appears in navigation drop down if applicable.
Secondary LayoutThis option allows you to create a secondary menu option that correlates with alternative layout. Contact for assistance with setup.
Publish fromSelect date from calendar interface
Publish toSelect date from calendar interface