ATLAS - Home Page Type

ATLAS - Home Page Type

Last updated 07.23.24

The ATLAS – Home Page Type allows the building of a new alternate home page for a brand refresh or for a special event. By setting the publication date into the future, it will not be visible to the visitor until desired. Another option is to turn off visibility in the SEO/Navigation tab of the Pages Application

The page can be built out, the old home page hidden and the new one launched as desired. The ATLAS – Home Page Type will have the home-shaped icon in the content index for easy identification. 

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Getting Started

1. In the Pages Application, click the plus icon to add a new page to the content index
2. Select ATLAS - Home Page Type from list of available page types. Note the home-shaped icon.
home icon

3. Select ATLAS - Content for a new blank page template that automatically includes the header and footer
atlas content icon

4. Complete properties fields below
5. Click Save
6. Build out new home page as desired


Name (required)
Text entry field for page name
Facebook Image
Select image from Media Library Application. The ideal image size for a Facebook image post is 720px, 960px, or 2048px wide, with flexibility in the corresponding height
Publish from
Select date from calendar interface
Publish to
Select date from calendar interface