TFC News Feed Widget

TFC News Feed Widget

Last updated 03.29.24

The TFC News Feed widget is a container that displays the TFC news articles created in the ATLAS – News Page Type by the TFC site admin. The photos and data are presented in different visual ways depending on your selection of transformation. 

Note: this widget will not function on websites that are not part of the TFC family of companies

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How to add a TFC News Feed Widget

1. Select where on the page you would like the widget to appear. 
2. Click on the blue plus add widget icon   
3. Select the TFC News Feed widget from the widget pop up 
4. Once the widget is added to the page, hover over the added widget until it displays the properties and trash icons. Click on the gear-shaped properties icon. 

TFC News Feed Widget Properties

5. In the TFC News Feed Properties pop up, select TFC in the news Source and /NEWS in TFC News path to pull in the TFC News Feed. 
6. Click Apply button to update the widget with selected properties. The properties pop up will automatically close.

How to delete the TFC News Feed Widget

Hover over the TFC News Feed widget until it displays the properties and trash icons and click on the trash icon to delete. 

How to reposition the TFC News Feed Widget

Hover over the TFC News Feed widget until it displays the grab icon on the left. Simply drag and drop in a new location. 

TFC News Feed Widget Properties

VisibleChecking and unchecking the checkbox toggles widget visibility on the page. This allows for prepping the content in edit mode before widget debut.
SourceThis is the source where the News will be originated or obtained  Multiple sources can be selected by holding ctrl key and then click on options.
• Current Site
• Answer Plot
• Answer Tech
Current Site News PathSelect the path for your site’s current news (see News Feed widget for more info) 
TFC News PathSelect a path for the TFC News: default is: /NEWS 
CategoriesCategories may be added to each news article – any created categories will automatically be listed here to allow for more refinement of the news feed. Categories are added and selected from within the Atlas – News Page Type.
Transformation Name Select the layout transformation (visual presentation) for the News articles:
• ATLAS – News Card Layout
• ATLAS – News List with Image
• News – Title & Date
• News – Title, Date & Summary
Max Items DisplayedIndicate the maximum number of articles to display inside the widget 
Display Show All ButtonCheck to display button, uncheck to hide 
Show All Button TextUpdate button text as needed – default text is “Show All” 
Show All Button StyleSelect pre-built style options from the menu. Note that if two buttons are featured, each one may have its own style. Below is the list of styles that can be selected:
• Default - a rectangular shape with a solid-color fill
• Round - a pill shape with a solid-color fill
• Radius - a rectangle with slightly rounded corners with a solid-color fill
• Hollow - a rectangular outline shape with a transparent fill
• Expanded - an extra-wide rectangular shape with a solid-color fill
• Disabled - a rectangular shape faded back to denote that it is disabled
• Clear - a transparent button with only text visible
Show All Button ColorSelect from your custom brand colors or grayscale options from the menu for button fills or outlines. Note that if two buttons are featured, each one may have its own color. Below is the list of colors that may be selected:
• Default 
• Primary Color 
• Primary Color – Light 
• Primary Color – Dark 
• Secondary Color 
• Secondary Color – Light 
• Secondary Color – Dark 
• Gradient 
• White 
• Light Gray 
• Medium Gray 
• Dark Gray 
• Black 
Show All Button PathSelect page in site index to direct the Show All button – typically the news page
Items per row (Large screens)
Items per row (Medium screens)
Items per row (Small screens) 
Enter items per row to display. 4-5 recommended for desktop view, 3-4 for tablet view and 1 for mobile view. News Card Layout only


ATLAS News List with Image Transformation

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