DTN Cash Bids Widget

DTN Cash Bids Widget

Last updated 03.25.25

DTN is a paid product which provides real-time commodities data. DTN is not part of Winfield United.
Get more information at DTN.com or speak with your DTN representative.

This widget is a legacy widget used to accommodate an older version of DTN for some customers. Connecting with your Atlas team is recommended to understand how to set up a Cash Bids feed on your site. Contact Helpdesk >

How to delete the DTN Cash Bids Widget

Hover over the DTN Cash Bids widget until it displays the properties and trash icons and click on the trash icon to delete. 

How to reposition the DTN Cash Bids Widget

Hover over the DTN Cash Bids widget until it displays the grab icon on the left. Simply drag and drop in a new location. 


VisibleChecking and unchecking the checkbox toggles widget visibility on the page. This allows for prepping the content in edit mode before widget debut.
Widget Type CashbidSelect from menu
• Atlas DTN Cashbid Dashboard
• Atlas DTN Cashbid Details
Cashbid Detail URLSelect page from content dashboard
MarginUse margins to increase spacing between the Grid Layout Section and other sections on the page. This is helpful to provide visual room between elements and increase readability.

User can select from 1-5 rems to increase spacing above the tabbed layout

User can select from 1-5 rems to increase spacing below the tabbed layout

User can select from 1-5 rems to increase to the right of the tabbed layout

User can select from 1-5 rems to increase spacing to the left of the tabbed layout
PaddingUse padding to increase spacing within the Grid Layout Section background area. This is especially useful when using a background color to provide content grouping and visual space for readability.

User can select from 1-5 rems to increase room in the top of the tabbed layout background area

User can select from 1-5 rems to increase room in the bottom of the tabbed layout background area

User can select from 1-5 rems to increase room in the right of the tabbed layout background area

User can select from 1-5 rems to increase room in the left of the tabbed layout background areaS
Content BeforeText entry area for simple title and descriptive copy right above the data fields
Content AfterText entry area for simple descriptive copy right below the image