Behind the Scenes Improvements to Graphics

Apr 10, 2024

Mobile Compatibility Improved for Mobile Devices

On average 60-70% traffic to ATLAS sites is from mobile devices and this trend will definitely continue. The development team is on the look out for any way to improve the visuals of graphics on mobile devices.

Hero Image & Hero Slick Slider Widgets
The leading graphic image on a page is generally the Hero Image Widget or the Hero Slick Slider Widget. From now on the team recommends that the mobile device image dimensions be no smaller than 640 x 640 pixels. For this reason, now the image selection property for both widgets lists this size first and has labeled it recommended to keep it top of mind.

Note smaller options are still available if the design demands it and no text or buttons appear in the hero. 


Hero Image Widget Now with Improved Responsiveness on Various Devices
We have made improvements to the Hero Image Widget to enhance mobile device responsiveness. With these updates, the hero images will automatically adjust to provide a seamless and visually appealing experience on all mobile devices. This ensures that your content looks great and functions well, no matter the screen size.

For those in the know, it's an enhanced code to render images based on the device resolution instead of the device type.

Feature Large B Widget Image
This one is sneaky. We removed the attribute for a small-sized image in the properties and are displaying a medium-sized image for mobile view instead. Testing proved that, for this widget only, the medium-sized image is better optimized for mobile views. This means that when users access your website on mobile devices, they'll now enjoy higher-quality images ensuring a visually stunning and engaging browsing experience.

Now you only need to source a medium- and a large-sized image. One less image to size and upload! 



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Oct 16, 2024
A new alternative way to activate the pop-up window property is now available in the Feature Callout Widget. One of the two buttons can be utilized as a pop-up activator while the plus icon is hidden. This nifty property can be applied to one button only with a second button still available for any typical target URL such as another page in the site, a PDF document, etc. Read more about the enhanced functionality in the full article.
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