Javascript Atlas Widget

Javascript Atlas Widget

Last updated 02.14.25

The Javascript Atlas widget works similar to a text editor box but is reserved for Javascript code.  A user can add scripts in the text box and can also add scripts before and after the script text. These scripts are typically provided by third parties or your Atlas development team. Contact the ATLAS Helpdesk for any further assistance.

Add Javascript Atlas Widget to the page

  1. Select where on the page you would like the widget to appear. 
  2. Click on the blue plus add widget icon   
  3. Select the Javascript Atlas widget from the widget pop up 
  4. Once the widget is added to the page, hover over the added widget until it displays the properties and trash icons. Click on the gear-shaped properties icon. 

Javascript Atlas Widget Properties

  1. In the Javascript Atlas properties pop up add script and content.
  2. Click Apply button to update the widget with selected properties. The properties pop up will automatically close.

How to delete the Javascript Atlas Widget

Hover over the Javascript Atlas widget until it displays the properties and trash icons and click on the trash icon to delete. 

How to reposition the Javascript Atlas Widget

Hover over the Javascript Atlas widget until it displays the grab icon on the left. Simply drag and drop in a new location. 

Javascript Atlas Widget Properties

Generate script tag
Check box to activate the script(s), uncheck to deactivate the script(s)
Content Before
Text entry area for simple title and descriptive copy right above the generated Javascript content. Requires small amount of HTML code for styling.
Content After
Text entry area for simple title and descriptive copy right above the generated Javascript content. Requires small amount of HTML code for styling.